Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Graffiti Face in The Abandoned

Yesterday I had the fun of wandering in The Abandoned with my beloved Sister Clytie.  Sissy and I were in awe of the newest graffiti art we found in one of the back areas of the largest building.

Here he is, Ice Cube Baby, from another angle.  You can see how the entire building has been cleared, except for the huge piles of debris in the main parts of the building.  Those piles are not visible from this rubbled view.

Here is a closeup.  I am in awe of these artists--they do their amazing artwork with spray cans.  What talent flows from their fingertips!

WARNING: If you visit The Abandoned, be sure to get permission from the owner, or caretaker before you come, otherwise you risk getting arrested for trespassing.


Anonymous said...

Yep, they absolutely amaze me as well. And I like THESE artists ... not only do they leave behind beauty, but they clean up after themselves!

Roan said...

I know the authorities frown on graffiti, but this is truly art. Wonderful post!