Thursday, May 9, 2013

Skybridge Heart -Guest Heart Thursday

I have not had a chance to walk The Abandoned with Sissy since the last round of demolition, which appears to have flattened whatever was left of the buildings.  Above you see part of the old skybridge.  I was thinking about all the memories Sissy and I share--our walks here, our friendship, the way we laughed over the ghost stories people told.  (There are some true-life, hair-raising stories which are actually true.)  Such great memories from this wonderful magical place.

Happy Birthday, Sissy!  Cheers to all the memories yet to be shared over the years ahead!  I love you, Honey.

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.

WARNING: Please do not visit this place unless you have permission. Though the buildings are flattened and the area has nothing to show for what once was--there are survailance cameras in place. I happen to have heard there are pictures on file. The owners are quite determined to identify those who trespass in The Abandoned.

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