Friday, September 2, 2011

Glory Light In the Abandoned

Sissy and I were on our way back to our parent's place, when we turned to see this magnificent sight.  The camera picked up the actual glory light we saw--and then some.  What a magical place this is!

To see more fascinating photos of the skies, visit Skywatch Friday.

WARNING: Think twice about visiting The Abandoned without permission. You risk getting arrested for trespassing.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful shot, sissie! I encourage everyone to be sure to click on this picture to enlarge it. Then you can get the full impression of this magical shot of this amazing place!

Kim, USA said...

Glorious sun!! A great shot!

My Sunset

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Nice scene.


Jackie said...

Beautiful shot.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

There's a rainbow in those rays of light--so appropriate!